Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last moment of adolescent glory...Rockin' A Moose-Hawk!

It was not more than a couple days after this photo that mama moose kicked the little yearling (pictured) out of the "house." They have one precious year to spend with mama before she births again and yearling is left to fend for himself.

After that moment - and let me tell you - it is not nice - there is yelling and chasing, the whole nine yards - they may never see each other again.

It is not like children of the average American homosapien, that's for certain. A species that clings to their children for reason to live, and the children cling to parents for means to live. End as means, and means to an end. Seriously - the amount of mid-twenties living at home is unreal - and I know many of them off hand (I won't mention any names).

We could learn a thing or two from our resident moose population.